I’ll tell you a story – Roberta

15 March 2021

A nurse who works with me once told me: “Doctor, you always go to the Meeting during the summer!”

I felt like instantly replying: “Yes!”, in order not to end up like that character in a well-known advertisement who goes back to work depressed after a cruise... Instead, the “Meeting effect” happens to me: after having known so many human adventures, I come back eager and curious to find out which will be my own adventure, which part of those adventures that I experienced will be mine.

Many encounters happen at the Meeting. I usually say that the world comes to me in a unique and special way, to make me feel as part of what happens there, and not as a simple spectator. Then, every detail becomes something great.

Just like when I discovered, at an exhibition, that iron was created inside stars. One might say: “What’s so extraordinary in that?”. It immediately occurred to me that this element is the same that, simplifying, carries oxygen to my blood: it’s as if a revolution of stars is making me breathe. The infinitely large in my infinitely small. All this and much more happens at the Meeting!


The Meeting is a unique opportunity to get a 360-degree perspective on the human, both in the past and in the present. I support it because I believe this to be a personal educational work and also of social value. It makes society better


Roberta, Civitanova Marche

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