Faces that build… Roberto

25 July 2024

Supporting the Meeting is an expression of friendship and shared responsibility; it means participating in the construction of a place that is considered important for oneself and for the world. In today's Faces that build section, we would like to share with you the words sent to us by a dear friend and supporter of the Meeting in recent days. 

Dear friends, I am taking advantage of a few hours on the plane to write you few lines that are close to my heart. 

This year, I felt the need to increase my contribution (still infinitesimal) to the realization of the Meeting. 

I believe that the Meeting is a powerful and effective attempt to counter the growing climate of hatred and war that we are dramatically witnessing. 

Alone, I find myself completely powerless in the face of it, while the experience of the Meeting, with its ability to engage with any culture, and show everyone, both visitors and distinguished speakers, a people of fascinating joy, can greatly contribute to a true peace. 

A sign of something happening that can awaken the hearts of everyone, a culture that, in practice, makes man rediscover himself. 

It seems to me that there is nothing more urgent today than this. 

A big hug and thank you for your effort and commitment