Violini Lorenza

She is a full professor of Constitutional Law and Comparative Public Law (Global Constitutional Law) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan. At the university, she chairs the Single Guarantee Committee (CUG) and participates in the Teaching Board of the Master’s Degree in Law and Sustainable Development and the International PhD in Law Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development. She is a member of the Ethics Committee and Research Ethics of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and was a member of the Commission for Institutional Reforms appointed by President Napolitano (Committee of Experts). She has been part of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 

 She has written on the main topics of Constitutional Law both from a domestic perspective and in terms of comparison. She has recently deepened the topic of the implementation of Article 116, paragraph III, in the perspective of differentiation among ordinary regions. Her latest publication is “Una forma di Stato a regionalismo differenziato” (A Form of State with Differentiated Regionalism), Milan 2021, and she has co-edited, along with colleagues from the University of Speyer (Germany), the volume on “Academic Freedom under Pressure,” Heidelberg 2021. 

ultimo aggiornamento: 24 June 2024