Pambianco Giampaolo

Pambianco Giampaolo, is 28 years old and was born in Ancona, Italy. He has experienced foster care paths since the age of 11 when he was placed with a family returning to his birth parents on weekends . It has been a very troubled path. At age 18 he returned home to care for his seriously ill mother (his already ill father died a few months after his return). This return and her subsequent journey also proves to be full of difficulties. It is his foster mother who shows up despite the fact that he has not heard from her in several years. From feeling a loving gaze on himself despite his rebellion and all the mistakes he has made, he begins a journey that allows a radical change in his life, and makes him resume relations with the family to which he had been entrusted. He is now well, living and working in Verona, and his relationship with this family has become stable.

ultimo aggiornamento: 11 August 2022