Massagli Emmanuele

Born in Monza on 19 January 1983, he has been President of ADAPT since 15 March 2012. 

 He is a researcher in Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the LUMSA University of Rome where he teaches “Pedagogy of work”, “Didactics and special pedagogy for social inclusion”, “Adult education and training”, “Design Thinking and & Problem Solving” and “Social Media for Learning and Skills.” At the Master’s in Human Resource Management he teaches “Introduction to collective bargaining and labor relations”.  Since January 2017 he has been the first president of AIWA, the Italian Corporate Welfare Association, the only association representing the world of operators in the field of corporate welfare services.  Since March 2022 she has been a member of the Technical Commission of the National Observatory on Agile Work, appointed by Decree of the Minister of Public Administration on 8 March 2022.  From April 2015 to January 2020 he was president of ANSEB, the National Association of Meal Voucher Companies adhering to FIPE-Confcommercio, of which he is now director of the Study Centre.  Since July 2021 he has been a member of the Academic Board of the PhD “Learning and innovation in social and work contexts” promoted by ADAPT and the University of Siena – Education Sciences, Human Sciences and Intercultural Communication.  

He is a member of the teaching staff of the specialization schools for educational support activities for pupils with disabilities of the LUMSA universities of Rome and of the University of Teramo. 

He is an ordinary member of the Italian Society of Pedagogy (SIPED). 

From 2010 to 2017 he was a member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral School in Person Education and the Labor Market at the University of Bergamo. 

 He holds a PhD in Labor Relations Law (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia). 

 He is co-director of the journal Nuova Professionalità (Studium) and of the Adapt series – Centro Studi Marco Biagi (Giuffrè), editor-in-chief of the editorial series “Discussion Materials” and “Studi e Ricerche” (ADAPT University Press), member of the Director of the series “Adapt Labor Studies E-Book Series” (ADAPT University Press), member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Sindacalismo (Rubbettino), member of the Scientific Committee of the series “Pedagogia del lavoro” (Franco Angeli), member of the Scientific Committee of “Human Resources” series (Armando Editore), editor of the Industrial Relations Law magazine (Giuffrè), collaborator of Nuova Secondaria (La Scuola), member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine Formazione, Persona, Lavoro (University of Bergamo). 

 He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Regional Observatory on the labor market of the Umbria Region, the Regional Agency for Labor Policies (ARPAL), the Gigi Bonfanti Foundation, the CERM Foundation, the FAI Cisl Foundation, the Energeia Foundation, IFOA, the De Gasperi Foundation, the Magna Carta Foundation, the POP-UP Cultural Center and Former Aspen Junior Fellow. 

 In the years 2009-2011 he coordinated the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and was a direct consultant to the Minister for Industrial Relations and Youth Employment.   

He was a member of the Committee of Experts appointed in 2021 by the Autonomous Province of Trento for the drafting of the “2022 Employment Pact” and the drafting of the reform proposals on active policies and the labor market and of the ARSENALE 2022 Committee of Experts , study program and reform of regional policies promoted by the social partners of the Veneto region in 2016.   

From 2010 to 2015 he was a member of the board of ENPAM (National Institute for Medical Insurance and Assistance).   

He collaborates with various newspapers and periodicals. He boasts numerous publications and participation in national and international research and conferences. 

ultimo aggiornamento: 8 June 2023