González Sainz José Ángel

Writer, he is the founder and professor of CIAM Centro International Antonino Machado at Soria, Spain, a centre that is dedicated to the teaching of Spanish language and Culture he has a 30-year experience in the teaching of E.L.E. in various University he is also the author of of several article in journals and magazines like El Pays, El Mundo ABC Letra Internacional in 1999 founded the independent magazine Archiepelago, Cuadernos de Critica de la Cultura of which he was also director.
In 2005 he was assigned the premium of Literatura de Castilla y Leon while in 2015 he had VII premium Observatorio D’Achtal de Literatura. He has a long career as translator also of Italian writers and philosophers among with Flaiano, Del Giudice, Stuparich e D’Arzo.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 2020