Epicoco Luigi Maria

Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco (Mesagne, Oct. 21, 1980) is a presbyter of the diocese of L’Aquila. He teaches philosophy at the Pontifical Lateran University and at the ISSR Fides et ratio in L’Aquila. He is in charge of the Culture Office. He founded and led the University Parish (2008-2020). On June 16, 2021, he was appointed by the Holy Father as Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Dicastery for Communication and Editorialist of l’Osservatore Romano. In his studies and ministry he is deals with Christian formation and spirituality. He has to his credit many publications also translated into English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Chilean, Korean and Polish. Among his latest publications: La luce in fondo. Attraversare i passaggi difficili della vitaLa vita come la fine del mondoLa pietra scartataQuando i dimenticati si salvanoIn principio erano fratelliProve di fraternità nella Bibbia e infine La scelta di Enea. Per una fenomenologia del presente


ultimo aggiornamento: 27 July 2022