De Bellis Giuseppe

Director of Sky TG24 since January 2019; before this position, he was managing co-director of SkySport24 and the whole Skysport digital area.
He starts his career at the Il Giornale newspaper. In that period, he was part of the special editorial staff for the Iraq and Afghanistan war, creating the Lettere dal fronte (Letters from the front) column. In 2008 he was invited to follow the American presidential elections and published a biography of the recently elected President Obama. In January 2011 he was appointed director of Il Giornale: he created some weekly publications and the collection of books about investigative reports Fuori dal Coro (Standing out of the crowd). In 2014 he founds and is the Director of the football magazine Undici (Eleven), while in 2016 he is the author of Sfide (Challenges), on Rai3.
Before arriving to Sky, in 2018 he was Director of GQ Italia of Condé Nast for one year.

ultimo aggiornamento: 18 July 2024