Chelli Francesco Maria

Prof. Francesco Maria Chelli since May 30, 2024 has been president of Istat.
Prof. Francesco Maria Chelli has been full professor of Economic Statistics since the 2006/07 academic year at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences, of the Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà” of the Università Politecnica delle Marche.
He is Deputy Vice Chancellor for Univpm Territorial Relations and Chairman of the Course Council in “Data Science for Economics and Business” in the academic triennium 2020/2023.
President of the Univpm “Alumni” Association and Honorary President of the Italian Society of Economics Demography and Statistics,
Prof. Chelli is the author of more than one hundred scientific publications in the field of Economic Statistics.
He served as Acting President of Ista, chosen for this role as the most senior member of the Institute’s Council when the term of the previous president expired.