Guido Bertolaso, Coordinator of the vaccination campaign of Lombardy Region; Giancarlo Cesana, Professor of General and Applied Hygiene, University of Milan Bicocca; Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, former Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency; Giovanni Rezza, Director General for Health Prevention at the Ministry of Health. Introduced by Carlo Lucchina, President of the Varese Association for Oncology, Health Department of the Foundation for Subsidiarity.
The massive vaccination campaign has mobilised the entire national health system (more than 134 million inoculations, 84.2% of vaccinated population). Behind these figures lies a huge commitment in terms of vaccine supply, vaccination centres setting-up, booking system management at both national and regional level. Considering the various positions, in favour or against the vaccination campaign, it is high time to think over the acceptability and/or convenience of a non-compulsory mass vaccination campaign.