The network, social media, the communication dilemma

With the contribution of Regione Emilia-Romagna
Roberta Cocco, Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services of the Municipality of Milan; Derrick De Kerckhove, Sociologist, Academic and Scientific Director of the digital magazine Media Duemila; Enrico Gentina, Coordinator of Civiltà Digitale and TEDxTorino Organiser, Trainer; Massimo Russo, Director of Esquire Italia and Chief Product Officer Europe of Hearst. Introduced by Marco Bardazzi, Journalist, expert in digital innovation in journalism and communication.

The digital ecosystem in which we have been immersed for more than twenty years is deeply changing our relation to work, friendship and leisure. In particular social media are the real disruptors, challenging our ability to pay attention, immersed as we are in that continuous sharing that MIT scholars have called ‘The Hype Machine’. In this scenario, there is a growing need for an education to fully live the digital age, to identify its opportunities and understand its dangers. Even on the Net we need to have the courage to say “I” with full awareness and knowledge of what is at stake. Some experts and key players of the digital world will discuss this topic, sharing experiences about what is happening and trying to imagine what awaits us in these Twenties.


25 Agosto 2021






Auditorium Intesa Sanpaolo D1
