The italian pharmaceutical supply chain and the emergency

In collaboration with DOC Generici
Enrique Häusermann, Chairman of Egualia; Massimo Scaccabarozzi, Chairman of Farmindustria; Alberto Vacchi, Chairman and CEO of IMA. Introduced by Camillo Rossi, Medical Director at ASST Spedali Civili in Brescia.

The companies of the pharmaceutical supply chain have played a leading role in the response to the pandemic, ensuring the necessary level of business continuity to meet the patients’ treatment needs and their access to therapies. Several Italian companies are participating in the construction of an Italian anti-Covid vaccine supply chain. The Italian pharmaceutical sector, with a production worth more than 34 billion €, is the European leader in drug production. The entire supply chain plays a leading role at world level, just think of the leadership that Italy has in the design and production of pharmaceutical machinery or in the production of active ingredients. At this year’s Meeting, we will meet the players of this supply chain, which is so important in terms of economic recovery and relaunch.


25 Agosto 2021






Sala Ravezzi
