In collaboration with Foundation for Subsidiarity and Università Cattolica
Paul Barach, Professor Wayne State University e Lecturer Thomas Jefferson University; Luis Eugenio de Souza, Professor of Puclic Health at University of Bahia; Walter Ricciardi, Vice President World Federation of Public Health Associations. Introduce Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity. Moderated by Luigi Cammi, Meeting Salute.
The challenge posed to humanity by Covid-19 is still present. We seek a vaccine, or at least a cure which would limit the damage the disease can cause. In the meantime, a significant debate is underway on the future of different worldwide healthcare systems. How must they change to best protect their citizens? How can they be financed? How can their clinical and epidemiological components best be integrated? How should an international control room be configured? What are the respective roles of medicine and hospitals in any given area? These are some of the questions which will be considered in this debate between international experts in the field.