Stefano Bozzone, Teacher of Enogastronomy Cooking Laboratory, Higher Education Institute Gae Aulenti, Valdilana; Alessandra Landini, Istituto Comprensivo A. Manzoni, Reggio Emilia; Marilena Pelonero, Istituto Comprensivo Martin Luther King, Caltanissetta; Roberta Vioglio, Higher Education Istitute Gae Aulenti, Valdilana. Introduced by Alberto Raffaelli, Association of the Educational Innovation Festival.
“Never before schooling has been felt as such a strong need. The need is for a schooling system that supports people and help them become citizens; that empowers people and let them discover themselves; and that above helps people in building communities. All this makes up for a unique and extremely demanding challenge for schooling. (…) Schools must also be places nurturing affection because, in an age of lurking loneliness they remain places where people can still learn to share.” (From Minister F. Bianchi’s speech at the Educational Innovation Festival, September 4, 2021).