Mother Teresa, love without limits. 100 images by Morihiro Oki
‘The photographic exhibition on Mother Teresa set up in Piazzale Fellini, documents through 100 images – the extraordinary life of this woman, dedicated entirely to the poor, the needy and the sick. Morihiro Oki photographer and friend of Mother Teresa undertakes a journey of often crude images, full of suffering and pain, and of others that are tender and affectionate, full of hope. The photos narrate stories, convey strong feelings, but above all speak about a friendship started in 1975 and which lasted over twenty years. Morihiro Oki narrates: The Mother came in and sat in front of me: a little old woman with a smiling face, marked by deep wrinkles. I gave the Mother my letter of presentation from Archbishop Shirayanagi of the Tokyo diocese. While I observed the Mother read the letter of presentation, impatiently waiting for her to finish, my heart began beating wildly. In the midst of a bout of coughing, I expressed by feelings: ‘Last year I was very moved by a visit to the House of the Dying Poor. I wish to document on film your humanitarian activities and show these to the Japanese. Please allow me to take some photos.’ The Mother looked straight at me and replied in a soft voice; ‘I do not know what you mean by humanitarian. I am neither a social assistant nor a philanthropist. I do what I do for Christ. If I were a social assistant or a philanthropist, I should not have left my happy home, nor my parents. I have given my soul to God and so what I do is neither humanitarian nor anything similar. It is much simpler.’ Ever since then, I have dedicated my life to immortalising that splendid light and those worthy people.’