LA FAVOLA DELL’ABORTO FACILE. Miti e realtà della pillola RU 486
Presentation of the book by Assuntina Morresi, Professor of Physical Chemistry at University of Perugia e Eugenia Roccella, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Health (Ed. FrancoAngeli). Participants: the Authors; Giancarlo Cesana, Professor of Hygiene at University of Milano Bicocca.
LE RAGIONI DEL FISCO. Etica e giustizia nella tassazione
Presentation of the book by Franco Gallo, Judge of the Constitutional Court (Ed. Il Mulino). Participants: the Author; Luca Antonini, Vice-President Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà.
Introduced by Camillo Fornasieri, Director of Cultural Center of Milan.