I SANTI RIMINESI (Saints from Rimini) Guaraldi Press). Presentation of Rosanna Menghi’s book. Featuring: the Author.
Followed by: LA RISORSA DOWN. UNO SGUARDO POSITIVO SULLA DISABILITÀ (The Asset of Down Syndrome – A Positive Outlook on Disability) (Società Fiorentina Press). Presentation of Carlo Valerio Bellieni’s book. Featuring: The Author. Coordination by Camillo Fornasieri, Director of the Cultural Centre of Milan.
Followed by: TUTTO PUÒ CAMBIARE. L’HANDICAP, LA DISPERAZIONE E L’INCONTRO CON CRISTO (Everything can change: Disability, Desperation and the Encounter with Christ) (Berti Press). Presentation of Giuseppe Carini’s book. Featuring: the Author.