Enrico Gentina, Creator of Good game Italy and trainer; Serena Mancini, trainer; Michele Marmo, trainer, cultural social animator. Introduced by Alessandra Contin, Journalist, writer and gamer.
Where are we when we play a video game? Where are we when we are in the digital world? This round table will investigate what is or what can be the relationship of the person with the digital world, the metaverse and in particular with the world of video games. What is the nature of this relationship? What happens there? What remains here? From the outside all we can see of this relationship is a person, whose body is almost motionless, in front of a screen-threshold opening on a synthetic, apparently infinite and totally immersive world. But what is really happening? The guests will try to get a deeper understanding of this relationship, leaving behind absolute questions (such as, right or wrong, are we in or are we out) and focussing instead on lively questions, capable of enlarging our gaze to the rapid changes affecting our times, beyond any fear and towards new possibilities.