In collaboration with Aci, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Enel
Marco Brun, CEO Shell Italia; Massimo Bruno, Head of Sostenibility and Institutional Affairs Italy Enel; Ermete Realacci, President of Fondazione Symbola; Paolo Vestrucci, CEO Nier ingegneria spa. Introduced by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
“Facing the climate crisis with courage is not only necessary but it is also a great opportunity to bring our economy and our society to a more human scale and therefore to make them more future-oriented. It is a huge challenge requiring the contribution of the best technological, institutional, political, social and cultural energies. Everyone’s support is needed. In 2008 only specialized magazines talked about circular economy, today Italy is the European country with highest share of waste recycling (urban, industrial, etc.): 79%. In the Italian economy the use of secondary materials resulting from this recycling leads a potential saving of 21 million tons of oil equivalent and 58 million tons of CO2: equal to 12.5% of the domestic demand for energy and 14.6% of emissions”. (extract from the Symbola and Unioncamere Manifesto).