Delitto e castigo

After Russia and Siberia, it arrives in Rimini the text of F. Dostoevsky staged by students of the Language and Art High School La Traccia in Bergamo. A theatrical adventure began to deepen the encounter with the author and his work.


The two-act play, “Crime and Punishment,” written and performed by the theatrical company of the students of the “La Traccia” Scientific, Linguistic, and Artistic High School in Calcinate (near Bergamo, Italy), documents an encounter with F. Dostoevsky and his novel that, two years later, has yielded absolutely extraordinary and unexpected results.
This project, like the preceding eight productions, was born with the goal of living the encounter with an author and his work through theatrical language. All of the aspects of the show’s production – from the acting to the sets, from sound and lighting to the props and the aspects of graphics and communication – are entrusted to the 60 students involved, with guidance from some of the teachers at the school. After four performances in the spring of 2011, the show was put on four more times in Siberia (at the Drama Theatre in Kemerovo) and Moscow (at the Maly Theatre).
The extraordinary Russian tour materialized thanks to the twinning of the La Traccia school with the Orthodox high school in Kemerovo, and to the encounter with Professor Tatiana Kasatkina, considered one of the major Russian experts on Dostoevsky. After having met the company in Italy, she was responsible for the show’s arrival at the most prestigious prose theatre in Moscow.
The show is therefore a witness to how, through theatre, it is possible to live an encounter that, in turn, generates absolutely unexpected educative and cultural results.


21 Agosto 2012



