Calderon and velazquez: between dreams and reality


‘This exhibition centres on C. Pedro Calderòn de la Barca and Diego Velazquez, both expressions of the age of Felipe IV, a period of intense distress and, at the same time, dramatically spiritual. The contradictions of this age are represented in the contrast between good and evil which, before taking their place in history, struggle in the consciences of the characters. The fact that these opt for evil in an attempt to fully assert their freedom, determines the development of Calderon’s plays. The protagonist however is somewhat alienated from self-created reality (dream); in this levelling and in this loss of interest, the possibility always arises of renewal, of going back on a decision, often thanks to an encounter, to a woman; the choice of good finally leads to a redemption that makes the character human again. The need for redemption is also paramount in the works of Velazquez: his paintings are full of nostalgia and sadness for a reality which, the long sought-after ideal falling to pieces and becoming fainter, entirely reveals its ephemeral and temporary nature, dominated by an implacable and ineffable air of decadence.’


23 Agosto 1998 - 29 Agosto 1998


Exhibitions Meeting Exhibitions