Adaptation to theatre by Carlo Pastoriof the book by Marina Corradi.
Actresses from the Compagnia Almadeira, Valeria Guanziroli, Marta Martinelli and Cecilia Ravaioli, accompanied by Walter Mutoand Carlo Pastori.
Theatrical adaptation and director
Carlo Pastori
Songs and music played on scene by
Walter Muto e Carlo Pastori
Compagnia Almadeira
Valeria Guanziroli
Marta Martinelli
Cecilia Ravaioli
It is evening in Milan: lights are on, the traffic of living souls returning home, that frequently grey air which requires a supplement of gazing to believe in the surviving sky. This is the scenario of Prima che venga notte / Before night falls, a show adapted from the stories of Marina Corradi, theatrically adapted and directed by Carlo Pastori, cast composed of the drama group, Associazione Almadeira with music by Walter Muto. These artists were born and bred in Milan, the city in which they have always walked the streets, feeling its pulse, breathing its smells, and also its scent on certain spring days.
The theatrical event was inspired by an intuition of Carlo Pastori, in cooperation with Walter Muto, who together created a score based on Marina Corradi’s stories and songs from the repertoires of De Gregori, Fossati, Gaber and other Italian authors, as well as original four-handed themes written by the two musicians.
A show that depicts in the genre “choral narrative with music and songs” the jewels in the authors written pages, looking, listening, being able to wonder at a flower born spontaneously from a wall of a centre city home or capable of pining for an old lady on her way to the clinic for her medical examinations. Marina Corradi tells of a train which starts moving by itself down the tracks at the station of Calalzo, with the same intensity with which she records the stories of war fought by young soldiers in the Dolomites, but she also describes with eyes full of the irony the “forced prisoners” in their midday break at their Milan fitness centre. The live songs written by Walter Muto and Carlo Pastori as well as those taken from the Italian singer-songwriter repertoires of the ’70’s/’90s, shall act like curtains revealing new scenery, closing some situations, introducing others. Songs of life, where even in the darkest urban sunsets, always in distant sight, shines a little light. Like a hope.