Are there still novels that tell the story of man?
Carmen Pellegrino, Author; Marco Pisoni, Screenwriter; Gian Mario Villalta, Artistic Director of the Pordenonelegge literary festival, author and poet. Introduced and moderated by Luca Doninelli, Author. With video contributions by Alessandro Baricco, Writer; Sergio Givone, Philosopher; Massimo Onofri, Literary Critic.
The courage to say “I” also about novels: are novels still able to provide answers to those questions that the pandemic made more urgent than ever? Are novels industrial products churning out curiosities and good writing, but do they still have the strength and relevance to address human beings and their anxieties, their questions and uncertainties? What has replaced novels today? Perhaps tv series and on-demand multimedia contents? Are we losing something essential and fundamental to our civilisation? Authors, scriptwriters and literary experts will discuss a topic that concerns us all.