The Children’s Village at the Meeting: an experience for who is really young
Unmissable event for young visitors and for families participating at the Meeting, the Children’s Village – Enel (pavilion C3) will be this year much more rich and full of surprises. Realized by the free work of 70 volunteers who alternate themselves in two daily shifts, it will be animated by famous theatrical group’s shows such as “La strana compagnia” and “Naviganti e sognatori”, with authors and artists like Giampiero Pizzol, Carlo Pastori and Bano Ferrari, to name but a few.
Evening shows, but also exhibitions, games such as “quelli di una volta”, art labs, drawing and kite construction, meetings, guided readings, dance school and even a chess school for children. An opportunity for families to stay with their children at the Meeting, living an experience of authentic beauty.
Two exhibits at the Village, inspired by this year’s theme: “The society of joy. The oratory of St. John Bosco: This is my home”, which will help to discover, since two hundred years of his death, the big charisma of the Saint of the young people from Turin’s suburbs. With the creation of a real oratory, animated by games, songs, theatrical entertainments and the narration of some episodes from don Bosco’s life. Guided visits with advance booking, for the youngest during the day, for adults from 9 p.m. And “Da Bella Zia… & San Francesco, Giovanni il Semplice, fra Cecilio, le pie donne e gli angeli…” with father Marco Finco and Bano Ferrari, both exhibit and theatrical performance, narrating how what started with Christ’s coming is going on through history, the great gift of the Church and in particular of its Saints: Saint Francis, Saint John, the devote women and Fra Cecilio Cortinovis, the Capuchin of “Mensa dei Poveri di Milano”.
Guided visits with advance booking: daily for children at 12 a.m. – 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. and for adults on Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th.
Meetings at 6 p.m.: On Sunday 24th presentation of the don Bosco exhibit and the catalogue “The society of joy. The oratory of St. John Bosco: This is my home” by Miriam Grandi and Davide Cestari, edited by Piccola Casa Editrice.
On Monday 25th: it will take place the presentation of the book “Bergius, l’ultimo longobardo” by Tiziano Viaganò, edited by Mimep Docete, and the book “Magellano” (adaptation of the same name book by S. Zweig) by P. Molinari, F. Farina and M. De Nigris, edited by Sestante. Participants: the authors and Luigi Ballerini. On Tuesday 26th: “Una mano amica” artistic path guided by Enzo Gibellato, history of art’s teacher. On Wednesday 27th there’s the moment of the traditional appointment with sport: “In alto I cuori” sport video stories, presented by the well-known journalist Nando Sanvito. On Thursday 28th: an important cultural moment with the presentation of the book, winner of the award Andersen 2014, “La signora Euforbia” by Luigi Ballerini, edited by San Paolo, and of the scientific magazine for young people “PLANCK! Da piccolo farò lo scienziato” by scientific committees of Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry departments of Padua University, edited by CLEUP. Taking part the authors and the TGCom’s director Alessandro Banfi. «I’ve ever wanted to be in a band…» meeting with Giovanni Grandi, director of “Mauro Moruzzi Junior Band di Cremona”. The story of his experience with 100 young musicians of the band, aged between 9 and 14 years.
Shows of 9 p.m.: they will start on Sunday 24th with the acting company “Naviganti e Sognatori” which presents: “Non ho parole” show of clownerie by and with Bano Ferrari. On Monday 25th: “Cappuccetto e il lupo” musical tale by Giampiero Pizzol, with Raffaella Bettini, Giampiero Bartolini, Laura Aguzzoni and Giampiero Pizzol; music from Brasil’s north-east tradition performed by Carlo Pastori. On Tuesday 26th the Association “L’altro cantiere” and the acting company “La strana Compagnia” present: “Pinocchio” from the play reading of Giampiero Pizzol, with Danilo Rana, Maria Boccardo, Milì Di Sabato, Nicola Sorella; musical choice of Michele D’Ambra; scenic design, customs and make-up by Marilena Cappella and Angela Musacchio; direction by Adelaide Villa. On Wednesday 27th: “Grammaticanto: a scuola cantando” Maestro Villa presents an event with songs and dances. On Thursday 28th the acting company “Naviganti e Sognatori” presents again: “Storie per ridere” theatrical performance with Bano Ferrari accompanied by live music. At the end, the big show on Friday 29th August with the Final Party of the Village at Piscine Ovest, with songs and dances accompanied by the Pellicanto Band, Maestro Villa, Padre Marco Finco and all Village’s friends.
Moreover, the Village will be the main point of the initiative for peace, with the gaze direct in particular towards Iraq, Gaza and Nigeria. Children at Meeting could send a message of peace to other children who are living under the war and persecution. With a small donation of 1euro they could write a message, which will be translated in English and Arabic and will be attached to some balloons which will be distributed and abandoned in the air on Friday 29th August. The amount collected will be destined to Baghdad Patriarchy, which will provide to distribute the money according to the needs of each family.
To see the full program of the Children’s Village, follow the link: