Bandera Gian Mario

Gian Mario Bandera
He was born in Legnano (MI) on 21/12/1959.
He graduated in Economics and Commerce at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
In 1982 he began his experience in the theatre field by curating the staging of the show “Post-Hmalet” by Giovanni Testori produced by the Centro Servizi per lo Spettacolo in Milan:
In 1983 he founded with Giovanni Testori and Emanuele Banterle the company Gli Incamminati of which he assumed the production and administrative direction; from 1984 to 1998 he curated the staging of numerous shows including Erodiade, In Exitu, Verbo and Sfaust, written and directed by Giovanni Testori; Féerie and Medea (directed by Luca Ronconi); Life is a Dream, Peer Gynt, Ghosts, Hamlet, The Inspector General, King Lear (directed by Franco Branciaroli); Cyrano de Bergerac and The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Marco Sciaccaluga); Othello (directed by Gabriele Lavia); The Two Venetian Twins (directed by Gianfranco De Bosio); Macbeth (directed by Giancarlo Sepe); Richard III (directed by Antonio Calenda).
In the three-year period 1989/91 he supervised the staging of three major spectacular events, Miguel Manara, Assassinio nella Cattedrale and Antigone, in the streets and squares of Rimini (directed by Franco Branciaroli and stage constructions by Margherita Palli). Since 1993, together with Emanuele Banterle, he has supervised the programming of the Teatro Manzoni in Monza, bringing the prose season to great success.
From 1998 to February 2015 he was president of the Teatro de gli Incamminati. He works to strengthen the company’s activity and takes care of, in addition to the administrative and organizational aspects, the distribution of the numerous shows produced including La Moscheta, Cos’è l’amore, Caligola and La Peste (directed by Claudio Longhi); Finale di Partita (directed by Franco Branciaroli); Vita di Galileo ed Edipo Re (directed by Antonio Calenda). From 2008 to February 2015 he was president of the Società Teatro di Monza srl, which managed the Teatro Manzoni in Monza and the Teatro Carlo Rossi in Casalpusterlengo. Since February 2015 he has held the position of Director of the Centro Teatrale Bresciano, a Theater of Significant Cultural Interest.
In July 2022 he was reappointed for another 5 years. Since his appointment he has worked to root the organization’s activity in the city, province and region and to expand and diversify the offer, with particular attention to new dramaturgy, technological experimentation and multidisciplinarity.

ultimo aggiornamento: 29 June 2024