Tesei Donatella

he was born in Foligno in June 1958, and after completing her classical studies, she continued her education and graduated in Law in February 1982 from the University of Perugia. 

 As a lawyer admitted to the Corte  di Cassazione and a member of the Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati (Bar Council)  of Spoleto, she served as an Honorary Magistrate at the Court of Montefalco and later at the District Court of Spoleto. 

 In 2009, she decided to run for the municipal elections with the center-right civic list “Gruppo Montefalco.” She won the elections and became the Mayor of Montefalco. 

 She served as Vice President of CAL (Local Autonomies Council) in 2010 and as President of the Union of Municipalities “Terre dell’Olio e del Sagrantino” in 2011-2012. She ran for a second term in the municipal elections of 2014, continuing the administrative project she had started, and won with 63% of the votes. 

 She is a member of the Board of Directors of Bonifica Umbra, the regional coordinator of the “Città del Vino” in Umbria, and a member of the National Council. She currently holds the position of National Vice President of the Association “Città per la Fraternità” and is a councilor of the GAL Valle Umbra e Sibillini. 

 In the 2018 general elections, she was elected to the Senate of the Republic, representing the Terni uninominal district and supported by the center-right coalition. She is the President of the Senate’s IV Permanent Defense Commission. 

 In September 2019, she officially announced her candidacy for the presidency of the Umbria region, supported by the united center-right. 

ultimo aggiornamento: 26 June 2024