The roots of a new leadership

Curated by AVSI
Giovanna Bottani, Operation Senior Conultant, STMicroelectronics Foundation; Erneste Nzeyimana, Director of Telecom Services Provider Ltd, Rwanda, child supported at a distance by AVSI; Yasmine Sherif, Director, Education Cannot Wait; Giampaolo Silvestri, Secretary General of AVSI. Introduced by Paolo Lembo, Former UN Official.

The dialogue intends to investigate the role of education in the process of shaping leaders capable of thinking and acting for the common good, particularly in developing countries in the post-pandemic era.
The speakers will analyse the topic from different perspectives: the standpoint of someone who, as head of Education Cannot Wait, an international agency of the UN, has a global vision of educational needs and of the potential to be promoted in the light of the lessons learned during the pandemic; the vantage point of a young manager of an important Rwandan company, who was able to “make a career” thanks to the education he received through distance support promoted by AVSI; the experience of the STMicroelectronics Foundation, an enterprise foundation working worldwide against the digital divide; the point of view of an NGO that has been working “hands on” for fifty years with the most vulnerable new generations; the perspective of the private sector that is committed to actively collaborating with NGOs, the local civil society and institutions to promote sustainable development.


21 Agosto 2021






Sala Ravezzi
