Sommacal Luca

Luca Sommacal is married to Gabriella and has two children. A professional in the financial field, since 2019 he has been president of the Famiglie per L’Accoglienza (Families for Welcoming Association), which he approached through the experience of adopting and hosting families. The association, founded in Milan in 1982 and now widespread in several countries around the world and in Italy, is a network of families who support each other in the experience of welcoming – adoption, fostering, hospitality, care of the elderly and the disabled – and promote it as a good for the individual and for society. The leading role that families play within the association is a distinctive and valued element of the association in various areas. The association’s method is expressed in mutual help, based on the exchange of experiences and stable companionship among families.

ultimo aggiornamento: 20 June 2024