Rossi Cristina

Cristina Rossi was born in Modena in 1962. She graduated in Modern Literature from the University of Bologna, teaches Italian and history at superior secondary schools, and is passionate about education and literature.
A professional education teacher, she has always bet on the fact that the encounter between the beauty of the literary word is also possible and desirable for youth beginning in the world of work, the students that attending technical and practical courses.
Involved from the start of her teaching profession in didactic experimentation, since 2013 she has been a promoter of the project “Il mondo parla – scuola formazione e di sperimentazione didattica sulla lettura analitico-sintetica del testo letterario” (The world speaks – training school and teaching experimentation on the analytic-synthetic reading of the literary text), in collaboration with the researcher Tat’jana Kasatkina, which proposes a method of inquiry – which she calls da soggetto a soggetto (from subject to subject) – that the reader-interpreter, even the least experienced, must treat the text as a subject with which to converse, accessing its depth.
The project, aimed particularly at teachers and students, has seen the compliance of a number of schools and the implementation of Youth Dostoyevskian Readings Conferences in 2015 and in 2016 in Modena, Mirandola (MO), Brescia.