Esposito Costantino

He is a Full Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Bari. He has worked on the thought of Heidegger, Kant, and Suárez. In addition to numerous essays published in Italy and abroad, he has edited the Italian edition of “Lezioni di filosofia della religione di Kant”, the first three “Disputazioni metafisiche” by Suárez, and Kant’s “Critica della ragion pura.” Since 2001, he has been the director (together with P. Porro) of the international yearbook of the history of metaphysics “Quaestio.” Alongside other scholars, he has curated a series of philosophy lectures, born at the Meeting in Rimini, aimed at a non-academic audience and designed for educational use. One of his recent works is “Introduzione a Heidegger” published in 2017.