‘The exhibition, which has already enjoyed great success in 1986 in Lon-don and Paris, proposes a series of objects made with precious and original Maori fabrics. The title of the exhibition, Amokura, is taken from the name of a bird whose long red ornamented feathers were considered sacred and con-served. Legends tell of men in canoes who upon arriving at the shores of Aotearoa (New Zealand), saw the coastline full of splendid trees covered with red flowers; great was their disappointment, after landing, when they discovered that these red flowers took flight and escaped! The weaving of these feathers and of other vegetable fibres is a tradi-tional Maori art, and is still very widespread in New Zealand. The works on display have been realized by weavers who have learnt the art from their mothers and grandmothers, scrupulously using the materials and observing the traditions of the past. The exhibition consists of about twenty objects; wall-hangings, baskets made with strips of linen and plumed cloaks which recall the myth of Amokura. Also on display are some thirty photographs which illustrate the fabri-cation of the Korowei (cloak), books on weaving and design and short films on contemporary weaving practices.’