Directed by Paolo Bignamini, drama by Fabrizio Sinisi with Debora Zuin, Giovanni Franzoni and Antonio Rosti
Sponsor: Gruppo bancario Credito Valtellinese
Direction by Paolo Bugnamini, drama by Fabrizio Sinisi, with Debora Zuin, Giovanni Franzoni and Antonio Rosti. Brought to the big screen in 1972 by the Russian director Andrej Tarkovskij, Solaris, a work by the Polish writer Stanislaw Lem, is, without a doubt, the masterpiece of philosophical science fiction. A mystery that disturbs and destabilizes its audience using the themes of identity, subject, and the relation between the perceptions of the senses and those of memory. This makes us reflect on the radical question of what reality really is, and who the people we love really are: “Who they are, or what we want them to be?” Adapted and rewritten by Fabrizi Sinisi, with the direction of Paolo Bignamini, Solaris offers the challenge of bringing to the scene a genre that would seem to be totally alien to theatre: science fiction.